I've been busy, busy, busy! In between my normal mother-ly and wife-ly responsibilities (which now include taking Elora to the potty, cleaning up her "accidents", and doing all the laundry generated by those "accidents"), I have been making jewelry. Lots of jewelry. I finally stopped making jewelry today, just long enough to photograph some of the new stuff. This is as far as I got with the listings tonight:
All of these are now available in The Green World Shop. More coming soon!
I haven't forgotten about give-away number three! I am waiting, no longer patiently, for an order to arrive. (I ordered this stuff on July 20, so I think I've been more than patient already!) I cannot complete the super-secret give-away item until that order arrives, and I can't post the give-away until the item is finished!
Oh, and while you're here, please take a moment to leave me some love, and answer this question: What kind of jewelry would you like to see more of in my shop? This question is VERY open ended on purpose! I'm looking for guidance here, folks.

love the top two sets, especially the green :)
Your things are always gorgeous!
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