Using freezer paper to create a fabric stencil is something I've been wanting to try for what feels like forever, and Brandon has been seeing some awesome t-shirt designs on Reddit that were done with bleach. We decided to give it a go using this video tutorial, and while my first effort didn't turn out so well (I didn't leave the bleach on the short long enough), I'm really pleased with the way my second one turned out. It's a Christmas gift for my Dad, but since he never sees my blog, I can share it! I'd seen these shirts on Reddit, and knew they were the perfect inspiration for Dad's shirt.
He's a die-hard Trekkie who wears black t-shirts almost exclusively. What could be more perfect?? I decided to go for a two-sided design, with basic logo on the front, and the ship in a star field on the back.
There was some over-spray here, which kind of ticked me off (I was so careful to cover the rest of the shirt!) but I figured Daddy would love it regardless and chalked it up to a learning experience. The back turned out much better:
I love it! I cannot wait to give it to him, because I know he's going to flip over it. I'm a little sad that I won't get to see him open it, since we won't be going home for Christmas this year, but I'll get over. it.
I've actually been working on a lot of Christmas presents, but since most of the recipients also number among my readers, I'll have to try to remember to photograph them now, and post them later. :)

Nice job!! He's gonna love it.
Great Blog!
Wow that turned out really awesome!
oh,good job,you are great, I also like the star trek t shirt.
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